World star hip hop bus driver uppercut girl

Bus driver uppercuts female passenger video video dailymotion. When 59yearold bus driver artis hughes decided to pull over the bus he was driving to engage 25yearold female passenger shidea n. A cleveland, ohio, bus driver dealt quite the blow to a woman who. A bus driver in cleveland, ohio got into a verbal dispute with a. A cleveland transit bus driver has been suspended after a video surfaced that shows. A bus driver in cleveland, ohio got into a verbal dispute with a reportedly 15yearold girl that ended with the teen getting her chin checked with an uppercut.

I didnt fk your btch man beats on his best friend with a stick for smashing his girl. Authority bus between a young female passenger and the bus driver. Even usa today, reproducing the bus driver uppercut, left the world star logo on. A cleveland transit bus driver has been suspended after a video surfaced that shows him punching a female passenger in the face. The unlikely rise of lee odenat, the founder of worldstar hip hop.

Cleveland bus driver caught on video punching unruly female. Why the two were squabbling is unknown, but a video posted online on world star hiphop, of course shows the teen and the bus driver arguing back and forth. The video was taken by a bus rider and posted on the. Bus driver uppercuts female passenger video youtube. Bus driver drops 15 yearold girl with an epic uppercut. Bus driver uppercuts teen girl in cleveland youtube. The footage, which was posted on and on youtube, shows the. During ryan vogelsongs speech at todays world series celebration, the. Cleveland bus driver suspended after video shows him punching. Bus driver caught on camera brutally punching unruly female passenger across the face. Why the two were squabbling is unknown, but a video posted online on world star hiphop, of course shows.

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